Episode 112

3 Key Drivers To Building A Sustainable Real Estate Team

In order to build an actual business that has a life beyond the owner, you need to put the proper systems in place so you don’t have to have your thumb on everyone in your team.

3 Key Drivers:

1. Attract: The major accelerators are database marketing, listing marketing, & buyer marketing.

2. Convert: The major accelerators are lead management, appointment setting, & consultation process.

3. Deliver: Deliver on your promises and get them to closing.

Once you set these three key drivers in motion at a high level without tinkering with them all of the time, then you can move to the fourth key driver we will discuss in a future episode.

In this episode, Lars talks about the three key drivers you should implement in order to build a sustainable real estate team.

We hope you enjoyed this episode on The Business Freedom Podcast. 

Be sure to check out the rest of our episodes to learn great tips and tricks to sharpen your leadership skills.   First time here? Real Estate B-School teaches how to build a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.   Remember to connect with us on our social networks to stay updated on our latest news, announcements, and more!   Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - Twitter - YouTube

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!