Episode 159

4 Strategies To Lead Your Real Estate Team During Tough Times

Before we get started talking about the four strategies you’ll need to lead your real estate team through tough times, it’s important to go back and listen to our episode on the Ultimate Shift Storm - the four shifts mentioned in that episode are the groundwork for what we cover in this episode. 


To quickly recap: 

  • Shift 1: Consumer Shift
  • Shift 2: Technology Shift
  • Shift 3: Business Model Shift (i-Buyer Shift)
  • Shift 4: Economic Shift

Breaking down your goals into manageable chunks of time helps you see real progress faster, as you get accustomed to dominating each day, every seven days you have another week under your belt. If you focus your efforts on your weeks, you’ll see bigger results than if you were focused on your year and hardly seeing any progress with each passing day.


We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Business Freedom Podcast. 

Be sure to check out the rest of our episodes to learn great tips and tricks to sharpen your leadership skills.

First time here? Real Estate B-School teaches how to build a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.

If you are feeling lost or trapped in your real estate business, all I can offer you is a free 45-minute phone call to hear where you are in your business and assess how I can help you build a sustainable & profitable real estate business.

If this is you, then join our FREE 30-day Pilot Program. I will work with you on building a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!