Episode 182
4X Your Business & Fall Back in Love With It!
Kodi’s Background
“After earning her degree from Arizona State University in 1994, Kodi went on to become an LPGA Golf Professional. Before college, she had never played the game and she became a member with the LPGA in less than 3 years. In a male dominated industry, Kodi’s tireless energy, determination and passion to succeed quickly propelled her to achieve her goals.
Using these traits, in 1999, Kodi began what has become a successful real estate career. Very early on it was obvious to her that the only way to truly protect her clients was to work full-time in this industry. After just 6 months in real estate, she left the golf industry behind to become a full-time real estate agent. As soon as possible, she earned her broker’s license as well as her e-pro designation. With two decades of experience and education, she has become an expert in her field.”
Before Kodi found Real Estate B-School, Kodi describes herself as a successful, albeit ‘cocky’ realtor - but what she was not, was a true business owner. The journey Kodi was on was different than mine in one key way: the love of the game. Since I never truly loved being a real estate agent that much, I assumed that everyone else did too.
Some agents get to the point where they fall out of love with the business. When Kodi and I met, she was at the end of her rope - and Real Estate B-School was her lifeline. She was in the middle of a bad situation in her business, with nightmare buyers, open houses every weekend, and other things she had fallen out of love with. She told me when we first connected, “If you can achieve business freedom in 6 years, I want to do it in 3” - and her journey began.
Finding support was hard for Kodi. She had to learn how to work with other people, and learn to rely on them. Some people have their own strengths and weaknesses that are different from her own. Finally, though, she was learning how to give herself room to breathe. She wanted to be able to be present for her son’s basketball games, defining family roles and sticking to them.
Hiring an assistant was a major shift in Kodi’s work life. Having someone else answer your phone so that you can have time to think gives you the freedom to get away from your phone, at least - and for some, that’s a big step. Using the REBS plug and play sustems, Kodi had her administrator create their office process guide so that training and onboarding new team members was a breeze.
People at the top tend to fit in the category of ‘high D’ on the DISC personality test. That means they tend to be dominant in their conversations, interactions, and with people in general. This can make you not that easy to work with - or, frankly, be married to. Knowing where your personality scores on different tests helps you to be effective to your team (and even your spouse).
The mindset that Kodi had, at times, was different from her husband, Bill. The expenses Kodi incurred, in her mind, were easily recoupable. When she wanted to spend money on online leads, she wasn’t worried. Her husband, however, was hesitant when the investment for coaching came up. He had faith, though, and Kodi was able to join Real Estate B-School, where she found peace.
Real Estate B-School serves as an objective third party for Kodi, too - just one of the many ways we can serve you. We are here through the thick and thin, at your service. Kodi says one of her favorite things about Real Estate B-School has been the ability to reach out and ask questions at any time, and receive reliable, battle tested, feedback and advice.
The big takeaway from this, I think, is the relief that Kodi has experienced now as a result of having been through the tough part of her growth journey. It isn’t an easy road, but it is certainly worthwhile. With our coaching resources, you have access to tried-and-true methods and years of experience at the tip of a hat. Don’t underestimate the value that can be brought to your real estate business!