Episode 17

Deconstructing the Growth of a Leveraged Real Estate Company w/John Mikesh

Every growing business goes through a survival phase, and it can be a stressful time. How do we avoid making the mistakes that can rob us of growth? What are the other phases we can anticipate as we leverage? What are some of the key factors that will make growth necessary? On this episode, John Mikesh gives us insight into what growth looks like and how to go from surviving to thriving.


It’s really cool to be able to build something, step away from it carefully, and watch it continue to grow and flourish. -John Mikesh


3 Things We Learned From This Episode


  • Simplify in order to grow (10:11 - 10:20)

    We often make the mistake of thinking we need to do more and add more pillars to the business to grow it, but often the secret to growth is paring down. Learn to do fewer things very well, instead of doing more things poorly. Ultimately, it’s about how we can simplify our businesses to make it more efficient and predictable.

  • Don’t reward yourself too early (11:10 - 12:56)

    When we start to see growth after being in survival mode, it can be tempting to take our foot off the gas and reward ourselves. Try to resist the impulse to slow down, and keep pushing forward.

  • Core values should come before the model (15:30 - 16:39)

    There are many models to get things done in this business, so make sure you use one consistent with your core values. There’s really no point in using a model that doesn’t align with those core values because it’s going to greatly limit the amount of good that can come from it.

There are many models for growth that have proven results for different team leaders, but it’s important that we find one that aligns with our unique core values. The last thing we want to do is sway on those values. When it comes to growth, it’s important to pace ourselves. We can’t make the mistake of relaxing after tasting just a bit of success, and instead keep our foot on the gas. This can help ensure we have a margin to help us make it through the slow periods that come, even as we’re growing.


Guest Bio-

John is a real estate agent in Mooresville, North Carolina who has been in the business since 2003. From the moment he began his career in real estate, John fell in love with the profession, finding that it was a natural fit for his personality and complemented his ability to understand people’s needs—even when they themselves may not. Go to https://www.roostrealestate.com/ for more information.

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