Episode 106

Discussing Broken Business Fundamentals w/Business Bros Podcast

On this guest appearance episode of the Business Bros Podcast, Lars gets to talk about how so many teams are running off broken business fundamentals.

If you set your business up the right way, it can function to serve you and your team, and will ultimately give you the most time and money freedom.

We need to be taught how to spend less than what they make by placing rules and bumpers around different expense categories. It sounds simple, but so many people out there are suffering because they aren’t good stewards of their money.

We don’t teach the rock star life here at Real Estate B-School, we teach you how to be smart with what you are given. The stuff we teach works so you don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck.

Check out the video below to find out more about this awesome conversation that was had.

We hope you enjoyed this episode on The Business Freedom Podcast.    Be sure to check out the rest of our episodes to learn great tips and tricks to sharpen your leadership skills.   First time here? Real Estate B-School teaches how to build a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.   Remember to connect with us on our social networks to stay updated on our latest news, announcements, and more!   Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - Twitter - YouTube

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!