Episode 79

Favorite Books for Raising Your Personal Performance

There’s a reason self-help books are so popular: they provide you with a blueprint for self-enrichment. Which of those books can help you on your journey to success? More importantly, how do you put the advice into practice? On this episode, Matt Johnson and I discuss the books that have helped us in our own businesses. Drawing on the suggestions given in books like The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, and James Clear’s Atomic Habits, among others, we explain how we’ve used their advice to achieve long-standing success.

You will win, as long as you do what it takes and put in the work. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

  • Set goals that will result in long-term, sustained success. In other words, don’t set specific goals- rather, aim to build a successful foundation for longevity.
  • Build habits that you and your team can recreate every day for years to come. These are your systems, and they’re essential for success.
  • By taking small steps to create long-standing systems, you’ll be able to focus on them more clearly. You’ll also stop yourself from becoming overwhelmed.

You can’t build a company that stands the test of time without putting in place the appropriate systems and adopting the right habits. However, you also don’t need to start practicing a million new habits at once. Take it a step at a time and don’t burn yourself out. You can achieve the goals you set. You just need to think about your approach to setting them.

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