Episode 25

Finding Balance, Clarity Breaks & Showing Up at A High Level w/Christina Valkanoff

 For many people in our industry, the amount of time they spend in their business prevents them from being present for what matters. What challenges come with moving through the phases of growth? How can we extend the concept of leverage into our personal lives? Why is it so important to take care of and invest in ourselves? On this episode, Christina Valkanoff shares how she balances being a wife, mother of three, a woman of faith, and a business woman with grace.

If I’m not invested in myself, I’m no good for anyone else. -Christina Valkanoff


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

How to apply leverage in our personal life (11:03 - 11:29)

There are so many tasks and errands we pile onto our plates that overwhelm us and make us less present where it matters. We can easily leverage those things out, like buying your groceries online or picking them up at a drive through.

We need to be careful who we let into our world (15:54 - 16:23)

There are people out there who genuinely don’t wish others well, who will be hateful and negative no matter how much good we do for them. We can’t let those people impact our lives and the goals and dreams we have.


Don’t compare, always modify things to work for you (18:07 - 19:52)

As real estate agents, we are super competitive by nature, but this crosses into unhealthy territory when we start comparing ourselves to other agents and thinking we should copy exactly what they are doing. We need to ask ourselves what would make us, our families and our teams happy. Then if the system is great, we should modify it to make it work for our businesses.

Conventional success in our industry is measured by the number of homes we sell, not by the quality of our relationships, the happiness of our families or our health. If we go by this classification, we can so easily run ourselves into ground working all the time. Remember, we have to be purposeful with our time, our minds, where we spend our time and who we let into our world. Business matters but it’s not ultimately what’s important and we should structure our real estate lives around what’s important.


Guest Bio-

Christina Valkanoff is an award-winning industry leader, veteran real estate broker, and the proud owner & lead agent of Christina Valkanoff Realty Group in Raleigh, NC. CVRG’s customized approach provides clients with the most unique and service-oriented real estate experience around. Go to https://cvrealtygroup.com/ for more information.

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