Episode 131

How Andy Mulholland Doubled his transactions and tripled his team!

Before REBS, Andy was working hard as an agent closing around 80 deals a year. He was a top producing agent, but his business was becoming his life. Financially his life was great, but he wasn't happy with the way things were going. 

Andy learned lead management, and how to stay accountable on the money spent to get each lead. He started to look at his business like an investment, and then know exactly where he needed to invest in his leads. Andy also figured out how to set up a structure around leadership. His team now act as leaders allowing him to take.a step back. 

Andy went from doing around 100 deals to 250 transactions. His team size went from 4-5 people to a team of 12. He now allows his agents to produce at a higher level. Most importantly, he was also able to see his fourth child take his first steps, that's something he was never able to do with his first 3 kids! 

We hope you enjoyed this episode on The Business Freedom Podcast. 

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!