Episode 141

How John Mikesh Built a $2.5M Real Estate Team Without Being Involved in the Daily Operations!

He owns an independent real estate company north of Charlotte. Back in 2014 he was heavily in the production of his business as the biggest producer. He constantly thought about his business, and felt that if he let his guard down his business would take a hit. He was making great money, but he was stressed, angry and didn't have time for his family or faith. John didn't know if his marriage would make it without a change. He needed to take back his life. 

REBS helped him take a close look at ROI and profitability, and then put pillars into place to see how one thing affects the other. He learned to set up a compensation structure that would allow him to get out of production while helping his agents earn even more. He learned how to put more structure into his business.

John was able to move from producer to manager to leader to owner and now feels balance in his life. He doubled numbers in his already lucrative business while stepping back from production. John expected to see big jump in numbers after joining REBS, but he didn't expect to feel like a better person. He fixed his business, so now he can show up, care and leave an impact on others, which is the most important thing to him. 

We hope you enjoyed this episode on The Business Freedom Podcast. 

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!