Episode 61

How to Find Your Battle Rhythm for Real Estate w/ Wes Madden

Real estate is a simple business, but the tools for success can be challenging to implement. How do we make sure we’re spending time on productive activities and not support activities? How do we develop the strength and fortitude to push through the teething issues of a new business? How do you weave core values into the team’s operations and the hiring process? On this episode, Wes Madden talks about the phases of growth his business has gone through, the attitude he applies to implementing growth strategies and the importance of core values.

The implementation is where the majority of the failures come from. -Wes Madden


3 Things We Learned From This Episode


How to tell if you’re doing dollar productive activities (06:18 - 08:10)

There’s a difference between support activities and dollar productive activities. In order to see what you’re spending time on, break down your schedule to 15 or 30 minute blocks and write down what you did in each time block. Use different color markers to highlight if the activity was dollar productive or support.


The importance of humble implementation (12:26 - 13:00 )

When you’re starting out, you have to be able to have the intentional fortitude to stick to it even when it hurts. If you stick to it enough and make it a habit. By the time it’s a part of you, you’ve forgotten how painful it was to implement.  


Infuse every part of the business with your core values (19:35 - 20:31)

You should be relating everything back to your core values, and weaving it into the fabric of the business. Recite the mission statement before and after meetings, and make the values go beyond the office.  Make sure you’re not making concessions on core values and culture fit because that can destroy the company.


Success in real estate is activity based and if we have the discipline to do what we’re supposed to do, the desired result will follow. We have to be putting our time towards activities that actually make money and grow the business. Core values have to be brought into everything we do, and not just something we claim once in a while. If we follow the right steps, set up the right systems, and track everything, the effort will always pay off.


Guest Bio-

Wes Madden is a Real Estate agent for Scenic Sotheby's International Realty in Santa Rosa Beach, FL.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!