Episode 6

How to Go from “Captain Everything” to Business Owner w/Chris Watters

No matter how good we are, if we’re flying solo we will have to work more in order to earn more. This usually leads to a poor work-life balance, so how can we scale up so we’re working smarter, not harder? What’s the mindset change necessary to go from being an agent to an entrepreneur? How do we scale up our lead generation? In this episode, Chris Watters shares his journey from being an overworked agent to being a team leader.

When you get to that place where you are in a leadership role, your success and failure is determined by the people around you. -Chris Waters


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

Stay humble, stay coachable (25:00-25:50)

One of the biggest traps we can fall into is to be self-sufficient and arrogant about our agent skills. The truth is that many mistakes can be avoided when we seek help. There’s no point in reinventing the wheel and losing time and money in the process.


Made the shift from production to business ownership (21:05:22:00)

Having a team will help bring our work and personal life back into balance. As a single agent, we have to deal with every aspect of our business. Sooner or later, the burnout will hit. A team not only helps us get our free time back, but also multiplies our efforts. We can only deal with so many listings on our own.

The advantages of lead generation as a team (23:00-24:00)

Many lead generation tools work better when they’re used by teams. A good example is Zillo, a lead generation platform where you need tons of reviews and hundreds of past sales in order to succeed. Unfortunately, as a single agent, we can’t get as many reviews and past sales. A team can.


As a business owner and leader, our job is to assemble a team of people who have what it takes to help us succeed. Our focus will shift from the “what it takes to get more listings or buyers” to “who can do it in our place”. We don’t have to have all aspects of the business figured out-- we just need to find the right people for our team.

Guest Bio

Chris Watters an original Austin Texas native and founder of Watters International Realty.  In 2016, his team successfully closed over $100+ Million in sales and helped hundreds of families in the purchase or sale of a home. In 2015, Chris began opening branches across Texas and partnering with other successful agents and team leaders, assisting them in duplicating their success. To find out more about Chris and his team, visit http://www.christopherwatters.com or find out more about his book on getting started on building a team at wirbook.com.

About the Podcast

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!