Episode 59

How to Rapidly Scale Your Business & Build a Purpose-Driven Team w/Jennifer Hollister & Jennifer Kuntz

The end of a year is the perfect time for entrepreneurs to evaluate their business and map out their way forward. How do we apply a growth mindset to our work, including how to learn from the things that didn’t go so well? Why is it so important for us to have a clear vision for our real estate business? How do we become more present with our families, even as we scale our real estate business?

On this episode, I talk with team CEO and President of Sales, Jennifer Hollister and Jennifer Kuntz about building community relationships, being of service, and using business growth tools effectively.


Appreciate the setbacks because a lot of the times they are set ups for bigger and better things. -Jennifer Hollister


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

The importance of vision (03:26 - 04:16)

When you really care about your clients, it’s so easy to spend so much time on them that you never have time to look at the bigger picture of the business, and the vision on where you want to go.

How to stop worrying (22:05 - 22:57 )

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to become introspective in a negative way as we navigate the roller coaster of business. Eliminate worry by getting into action and being of service to someone else.

Why we shouldn’t let shifts scare us (26:10 - 27:43)

Sometimes agents put too much focus on panicking about a shift, and that negative attitude ends up being a bigger problem than the actual market. Even though there’s a shift coming, people are still going to need to buy and sell homes. The secret is digging deep to find those people.


Being a smart and driven business owner is all about maximizing on relationships in the community. One way we can do this is partnering with smaller, local builders. They are the often the perfect partners for us because they share the same care for the community and its growth, and they aren’t just in it for fat a profit. It allows us to be of service to the people around us, and to be a part of a growing niche in real estate. With any business venture, we won’t get things right 100% of the time, but if we maintain a positive mindset and push through setbacks, we will achieve our goals.


Guest Bio-

Jennifer Hollister is the CEO of the Jennifer Hollister Group. Jennifer Kuntz is the President of Sales at the Jennifer Hollister Group. Go to https://www.jenniferhollistergroup.com/ for more information.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!