Episode 76

Learn from my mistakes in hiring the wrong people ... and I have made a lot!

As entrepreneurs, we tend to only see the good in people when hiring.

It is easy to evaluate someone’s potential based on what they tell you, rather than looking at their patterns and what they’ve done before in their professional career as well as how they show up in their personal lives.

How do you establish guidelines as to what to look for when hiring?

How do you know if someone is the right fit for a position?

In this episode I talk about how you can minimize your chances of hiring the wrong person to your real estate team.

Your ability to scale your business requires that you surround yourself with people that are the right fit in terms of culture and their ability to do the job. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

  • We can avoid making “mis-hires” if we pay attention to these three things: the right person, the right seat, and patterns instead of potential.
  • Our business needs to develop core values that allow for its success, and the right hire is someone who shares these values.
  • We need to have a process in place that looks at what it takes to fulfill the position and makes sure that the person has the capacity to do so.


When hiring, we need to make sure that we have the right person in the right seat. That person is someone who shares our core values and displays a history of patterns that prove their ability to be successful. We need to focus on these patterns rather than the potential we see in them because they are testament to whether they can do the job. We know that someone is in the right seat when they understand the position, want the position, and have the emotional, physical and time capacity to fill the position.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!