Episode 53

Making Trade-offs for Success & Growing as a Leader w/Misty Soldwisch

All the work we do now to build a business is a trade-off for a better future for ourselves and our families. How can we use systems and leverage to make sure we aren’t spreading ourselves too thin unnecessarily? Why are market shifts something we can look forward to when the right pieces are in place? What is the dark side of our ability to handle pain as entrepreneurs?

On this episode, Misty Soldwisch shares her business growth journey and how she has been able to sell 1,100 homes in 3 years.


Being good at helping clients understand the market is where you really build trust. -Misty Soldwisch


3 Things You’ll Learn From This Episode

  1. Why introverts make great salespeople (03:51 - 04:43) As a salesperson it’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly talking and filling the space in a bid to connect with someone. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is just sit and listen, and this is how introverts can actually be very good at sales.
  2. The right mindset to have about leverage (09:56 - 11:25) When you hire people at a time when your business is busy, it can be easy to make the mistake of hiring someone who can help with the immediate workload, but who is ultimately not a good fit for the team. Understand the importance of your team culture, and surround yourself with people that will treat your clients the same way you do.
  3. How to balance a big vision with the needs of your family (14:04 - 14:33) Having a big vision for yourself and an upward trajectory in your business means you have to make trade-offs, and these may often come at the expense of your personal life. You have to find balance between pushing for growth in your business and being there for your family.


From all the failures we experience and and the times we have to pick ourselves up, entrepreneurs have a high pain threshold. It works in our favor and allows us to keep pushing through fear and struggles. The only problem is that it makes it hard for us initiate the necessary changes in our businesses and lives— whether it’s making adjustments to our teams or improving our personal lives through leveraging the business. We have to use the pain to help us improve and make life better for us and our loved ones.


Guest Bio-

Misty is the founder and leader of the Misty Soldwisch Home Selling Team in Iowa. Licensed to sell real estate since 2000, she has been a Broker/Owner since 2007.  She enjoy the challenge and the honor of helping buyers and sellers achieve their real estate goals with her team of dedicated agents. Go to http://www.soldincentraliowa.com/ for more information.

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Real Estate Business Builders
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