Episode 70

The Good, Bad & Ugly: Are You Playing the Long Game?

Most people spend the majority of their time and energy focusing on the wrong things. And they don't have the impact in their family and business like they could have.

How do you know if you’re falling into this common trap?

What are the right things to focus on so that you finish well?

In this episode, I explain the importance of playing the long game in business and life instead of only focusing just on short term results.


Three Things You'll Learn:

  • Consider whether you want to succeed in the present, or every year for the rest of your life.

  • Pay attention to the long-term effects of your actions. Keep in mind the lasting impact they will have.

  • Ensure you invest in all areas of your life including your relationships with family and friends as well your physical and spiritual health.


What changes do you need to make in your business to support the life you want to live?

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Business Builders
Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!