Episode 34

The Good, Bad & Ugly: Finding Your "Why?" and Building the Life You Want

The real estate industry is built on people who work crazy hours and deal with a lot of stress on a daily basis. Why is it important to ask yourself what you want from your life? How can your “why” guide the direction of your business? What kind of leadership makes agents loyal to you? In this episode, I talk about why trading your freedom for money is optional, and how you can maintain your income without working non-stop.


Discovering your “why” and what drives you is the most important factor when you think about the success of your business. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

  • As business owners, you have to ask yourself if the money justifies the stress and the time spent away from your family.
  • Tools for growth are easy to find, but it can be harder to understand the motivation behind your actions. What is your big “why” that makes you wake up each day and work hard for your goals?
  • Your ability as a leader isn’t measured by how much you know, but by how open and transparent you are with others.


Agents and team leaders often work so hard for the money they make, that they end up missing precious moments with the ones they love. What would you want to be remembered for after you’re gone? If you were to “write your life”, what would it involve? Many people make the mistake of focusing on money without considering that there might be a better way to do business without the high-stress levels and crazy hours.

About the Podcast

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!