Episode 36

The Good, Bad & Ugly: Why It’s So Hard for Most Teams to Implement Their Growth Strategy

Putting together a strategy is always the easy part. The hard part comes when we have to mobilize our entire team to take action around the strategy. What happens when our plan isn’t clear enough for us to follow on a daily basis? How does being held accountable by something or someone outside the business speed up the process? What are the hiring mistakes most team leaders make when they find themselves overwhelmed? In this episode, I talk about strategizing, implementing, and what we can do to mobilize our team to follow our growth plan.


3 Things You'll Learn From This Episode

  • As you constantly look for ways to improve yourself and your team, be careful not to hire too quickly.
  • Have a plan before making any major changes. If you don’t have one, there are 3 things that will pull your focus off-course: fear, pleasure, and other people’s demands.
  • It’s hard to stick to a plan if you don’t find a way to hold yourself accountable, or if you don’t feel responsible for the fate of the business.  


If you want your team to execute your strategy, you have to make each effort measurable and break down the larger strategy into smaller steps. The process has to be clear and easy to understand, and the goals need to be regularly tracked (daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly). Clarity and accountability are the keys to making implementation easier.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!