Episode 88

What the Zac Brown Band Can Teach You About Growing Your Business

To be successful as a real estate team leader, you have to deliver your services in such a way that they are on par with what consumers are getting in other areas of their lives.

How can you ensure you’re providing a great experience to all of your clients, all of the time?

The details matter ... you must be thinking about how you can consistently surprise and delight your clients.

On this episode, I explain why you need to have your business systems down to an art.


Build systems that deliver the highest level of buyer and seller services. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

  • Deliver your services with precision and skill, and create Clients for Life in the process.


  • Service providers in any industry don’t provide great experiences to their clients by luck or chance. They have great systems in place to make sure it happens every time.


  • Offer a menu of services to your clients— not just a basic service offering like every other real estate agent out there.


The modern consumer is constantly having better experiences with their service providers. That’s because while providers are paying attention to their product, they’re marketing more than what they sell: they’re offering an experience that goes above and beyond. Being predictable doesn’t need to be boring. It just needs to prove to your customers that they’re guaranteed to get excellent service from you, every single time.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Business Builders
Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!