Episode 538
Your 2023 Growth Plan | Grow Your Business While Putting Your Life First
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
- James Clear, Atomic Habits
In this episode, we condense everything you'll need to have a massively successful 2023, without additional or needless strain.
You'll learn:
→ Why it's critically important to have a clear plan going into what might be the most challenging economic recession we have seen in decades
→ How to clearly identify your 3-year vision and break it down into an actionable plan for 2023 including quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily actions.
→ How distraction is hurting your chances of becoming the best version of yourself and how to avoid massive regret later in life
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4. Partner with Real Estate B-School at eXp Realty (https://bit.ly/3x2zoC7)
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