Episode 103

4 Principles to building a Profitable Real Estate Team (Part 2)

In PART 1 I talked about beginning with the end in mind. We should know where we are going by drawing a line in the sand and saying, “From this point forward the next three years are going to look like..., and I am going to take these steps intentionally, even if they’re hard”.

Part 2: Stick With The Model

Know and stick to the model. When I mention “model”, I mean financial model, budget model, and economic model. These are the hard lines you draw around what is acceptable in terms of spending in the key areas of the business.

Three Things You'll Learn
  1. Before you dive into running your business, you have to build the systems first.
  2. The economic model that I followed for 10 years.
  3. Value-based commission splits.
We hope you enjoyed this episode on The Business Freedom Podcast.  Be sure to check out the rest of our episodes to learn great tips and tricks to sharpen your leadership skills. First time here? Real Estate B-School teaches how to build a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom. Remember to connect with us on our social networks to stay updated on our latest news, announcements, and more!   Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - Twitter - YouTube

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!