Episode 102

4 Principles to building a Profitable Real Estate Team (Part 1)

Part 1: Begin With The End In Mind

Is the foundation of your business setup so you can have more time, more money, and experience less stress?

If you're more a slave to your business and there is a constant point of stress or contention with your spouse or you're constantly frustrated with your agents, it's because you haven't set your business up properly.

Draw a stake in the ground today to put your life first and build your business in a way that it will ultimately serve you.

Three Things You'll Learn
  1.  It's hard to build a completely leveraged real estate business.

  2.  Spend less than you're bringing home and invest the difference. 

  3. When you take on debt, you become the slave to the lender. Are you a slave to your business?

We hope you enjoyed this episode on The Business Freedom Podcast. 

Be sure to check out the rest of our episodes to learn great tips and tricks to sharpen your leadership skills.

 First time here? Real Estate B-School teaches how to build a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!