Episode 181

Are You Mentally and Physically Exhausted?

Are You Mentally and Physically Exhausted?

You’re no good to anyone (including yourself) if you’re mentally and physically exhausted all the time. You can’t push your business forward, you can’t show up well as a parent, spouse, believer, friend, or anything for that matter, if you’re constantly battling yourself to show up at all. 

Here are 3 takeaways you’ll get if you keep reading:
  • Being mentally exhausted means you have not given yourself time to recharge, which can lead into a vicious cycle.
  • Being physically exhausted has the same effect, and taking care of your physical body is an often overlooked aspect that can directly affect your business.
  • Recharge yourself and set a good example for those who look up to you. The more they take care of themselves, the better they will do, too. 

When I look back on my early years in business and the growth I achieved, I can’t help but see how mentally and physically exhausted I was all the time. I can only hope to share what I know now with some of you - who are where I was back then. 

In order to show up at a high level, as a real estate team leader, a father, a husband, etc., we have to make sure we take care of our physical bodies. Doing this we will be able to show up with energy, with vitality, and with intent and care. The first area to look after is sleep.

There is no way to sustainably achieve at a high level without high quality sleep. There is no hack, no cheat, no elixir that will allow you to get back what is taken from you when you don’t sleep. Adults need 7 to 9 hours on average, so if you need to be up at 5AM, you have to be asleep no later than 10PM, no questions asked. Preparing for this aspect of your life is very important. 

Hydration is the second area of physical self care - chronic dehydration is one of the major factors in low energy levels. Drinking a gallon of water a day will flush impurities out, and cause you to regain your mental clarity. 

Next, we have to make sure we are taking account of what we are putting into our bodies. Our nutrition is very important and balancing what we eat is very important as well. I’ve been studying the benefits of a plant-based diet and found a lot of evidence in favor of a plant based diet for the ultimate nutritional balance. 

Hand in hand with nutrition comes exercise. Moving your physical body is important to your health just as much as what you put into it. Strength training, cardio, motion of any kind in your body is the mechanism that keeps your energy high. Losing muscle mass as you age is a scary thing, and how much you have left when you’re 60 and 70 is what keeps you going. 

Next is the practice of taking Clarity Breaks - we’ve talked about this before. A 60 to 90 minute block of time where you put down what you’re doing, in your calendar once a week where you ask yourself what’s working and what’s not. This keeps your mind clear and keeps you focused on the goals that matter most.  It’s a regular rhythm of self-reflection that we all need to develop. 

Lastly, practice having an attitude of gratitude. The contentment you get from surrounding yourself with gratitude in your business is unparalleled in terms of what it does for your mental well being - continue to be thankful for where you are and how you got there. Appreciate everything around you and count your blessings.

If you’ve achieved traditional success in your real estate business but you are still feeling lost or trapped and you don’t have a clear path to leveraged and profitable growth,  in your real estate business, maybe our FREE 30-day Pilot Program is for you. I will work with you on building a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.

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Real Estate Business Builders
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