Episode 180

My Good, Bad, & Ugly of 2019

My Good, Bad & Ugly of 2019

Every year end I take inventory and view my wins and losses of the areas of life that matter most. Most real estate agents and team leaders get caught up in things that don’t really matter.

Here are 3 takeaways you’ll get if you keep reading:
  • Takeaways from what I have done well this past year and apply it to yourself
  • Learn from the mistakes I made in 2019 and find out what you can do better
  • Take a look at what metrics I follow in order to keep track of my year and see what you can adopt for your own business 

I own 2 businesses -- a real estate team (High Performance Real Estate Advisors) and a real estate business coaching company, Real Estate B-School. In both of these businesses, the thing I’ve done real well is to build systems that give me leverage. This past year, we went even deeper on some foundational systems that these businesses run on, simplifying even more so that we can multiply in the future. 

In Real Estate B-School, I’m out of sales again, we are at our highest membership ever, and we are having a bigger impact on the real estate teams we serve. No matter how well things are going, though, one major challenge is that business still takes up most of my waking thoughts. Combating that, I’ve been meditating more, praying more, and even trying EMDR therapy. 

Financially, I’ve moved into a new home, taken on a mortgage because rates were favorable, and started tracking my net worth again. While your net worth isn’t the only measure of success, because it will go up and down, it is a critical part of score keeping in business.. 

As a Husband, I’ve been intentional with my time with Julie this year. Once a year, I take an annual honeymoon with her, every Saturday night we have a date night and continue to reconnect. At the same time, I have to keep in mind our differences and how critical at times I can be of her, when in reality, it’s a good thing she isn’t a female version of myself - I don’t think I could stand that!

Recently, I’ve also been able to take more Fridays off to be present as a father to my kids. In 2019, when I’m at the tipping point of my stress, I have been prone to carrying my stress into conversations with them. Both my wife and I are working to keep me accountable and be able to work through challenges with them instead of taking the stress of my business into my relationships. 

In my faith, I’ve committed to being intentional to my study of the Bible. I’ve committed to 45 minutes a day, and even though sometimes I miss days, I remain committed to this practice. In the past, I’ve done exercise, and the Bible in a Year, where you check off a box and you’re done for the day, but this is much more intentional. 

I had a great year in my physical body as well. I came into the year weighing upwards of 220 lbs. I started eating clean and on April 15, I committed to a 90-day push and eventually got down to 191 lbs, which was my wedding day weight. Next year, I want to get down to my high school weight of 182. Getting exercise and a healthy amount of sleep every night (7 to 7.5 hours) has helped, but I need to be drinking more water. 

For self-care, I’ve been getting deep tissue massages and spending time in salt float tanks, meditating in the mornings and traveling a lot with the kids. Sometimes, though, my business life creeps into my personal life and gets in the way of my relationships. 

My emotional well being has also been a focus area of mine. Using the app ‘Five Minute Journal’ on my phone every morning, I was able to foster an attitude of gratitude. A daily gratitude practice will help you stay positive and keep your chin up in tough times. 

If you’ve achieved traditional success in your real estate business but you are still feeling lost or trapped and you don’t have a clear path to leveraged and profitable growth,  in your real estate business, maybe our please join our FREE 30-day Pilot Program is for you. I will work with you on building a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.



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