Episode 179

Make the Most of the Coming New Year

Make the Most of the Coming New Year

Build momentum in your business as you close out 2019!. Take an inventory of what’s gone well and what you’ve achieved, so that you can have a clear direction for where you are headed in the New Year!. 

Here are 3 Takeaways you’ll get if you keep reading:
  • Looking back. Take inventory of what went well or where you  fell short this past year
  • What’s happening right now? Look at what gives you confidence where you are right now.
  • Looking forward. What are you excited about for the future?

As a real estate business owner, choosing to make your own way, show up every day and fight for sales, and hoping you make the right decisions and come away with a profit, is an admirable feat. Over 80% of real estate agents don’t renew their licenses by their second anniversary. Accordingly, it’s important as entrepreneurs, small business owners, and team leaders, that we protect our confidence. 

Real estate markets are a constant battle ground of agents fighting for commission checks. The best way to take your ‘unfair share’ is to have a business that is built on sustainable systems and have empowered people working for you that will reduce your stress. 

As you look back over 2019, take an inventory of what went well and maybe what didn’t go so well. We must look for things that went well, in both your business and personal lives. Don’t be afraid to dig deep here. How did your physical life improve? Relationships with your spouse or your kids? Spiritually? Financially? Then, flip the coin and look at what didn’t go so well. 

This will help you to assign value to things you did that caused those things to happen. If something you did brought about financial woes last year, take stock and find out how not to allow it into your life again. 

Right now, as we look at the good, the bad, and the ugly that we’ve experienced right in the face, what gives you the most confidence? ocus on what gives you us confidence, we can use it as momentum to build a better future. Maybe you worked hard to establish a culture of productivity in your business, or a cadence with your team that helps them to achieve at a high level. Whatever it is, make sure to focus on what is working right now. 

On the flip side, what makes you uncomfortable about where you are? Maybe you’ve let your relationships slide, or your physical body is getting away from you. Take account of what makes you uncomfortable, and note how you want to change those areas. 

Lastly, where do you want to be next year? Look forward to what is coming up in this next year. Use your past and presentexperiences to prepare yourself for what is coming. What do you want to have accomplished by this time next year? This is the exciting part -  with some simple guidance, you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to in the next year!

If you’ve achieved traditional success in your real estate business but you are still feeling lost or trapped and you don’t have a clear path to leveraged and profitable growth,  in your real estate business, maybe our please join our FREE 30-day Pilot Program is for you. I will work with you on building a sustainable & profitable real estate team that gives you true freedom.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!