Episode 96

How Real Estate Team Leaders Keep the Faith When Times Are Tough!

In business and in life, it’s inevitable that we run into hard times on occasion. How can you maintain hope throughout good and bad periods? How should you approach hopefulness? On this episode, I discuss the ‘hope loops’ we all need to go through.

If you’ve lost hope everything will go bad in every area of your life. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

  • Some suffering will always take place- even when your business is running smoothly. Acknowledge this and allow yourself to suffer at times.
  • To get through sufferings, you need to persevere.
  • Perseverance builds character. This character is crucial in your business’s longevity.

We all go through ‘hope loops’, in all areas of our lives. Whether in business or in personal issues, it’s something we need to get used to. However, it’s important to remember that not all of these are connected to one another. In every loop, focus on the one issue at hand. Dedicate yourself to persevering and building character in these areas. It may seem tedious- but it’s essential.

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