Episode 97

Why You Should Have More Control Over Your Money w/Jim Oliver

One of the reasons we become entrepreneurs is to achieve financial freedom. Which systems do we take for granted as places to make money? Could we be putting ourselves at risk by not having enough control over our money? On this episode, Jim Oliver from CreateTailwind shares how to grow your wealth without relying on traditional and commercial banks.

Take a longer term look at your business. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

Stop using your own money (08:04- 09:06)

If you take out a life insurance policy, you own part of that insurance company. This means you’re allowed to take a loan from your policy. The great news is, you’re actually loaning the company’s money while yours is still growing.


Think long-term (16.16-17.48)

Don’t worry about finding the most exciting vehicle to get you to your endgame. The most important thing you should be doing is finding an effective method that will help you achieve your goals in the long-term.


Be in control of your money (19:54- 20:43)

When you invest solely in Wall Street, you’re putting yourself at risk. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket- you never know if something might happen on the stock market to jeopardize everything you’ve invested. All you can do, in this situation, is hope- and hope is not a strategy.


An essential part of freedom in any area of life is autonomy. You need to have a certain degree of independence to be truly free. Apply this logic to your money. Don’t allow other people too much control of what you’ve earned. Instead, find an effective strategy that garners you more independence. There are so many options available to those seeking real business freedom.


Guest Bio-

Jim Oliver is the founder of CreateTailwind, a financial firm aimed at helping their clients create wealth without investing everything on Wall Street. Jim is passionate about finding ways to generate and maintain wealth without using commercial banking routes, and changing mindsets towards more independence.


To find out more about CreateTailwind, head to: https://createtailwind.com/about-createtailwind/

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