Episode 156

How to 10x Your Productivity In Your Real Estate Business

One thing that remains constant no matter who you are in life is this: Time. If you think about it, it doesn’t matter if you’re Warren Buffet or your cousin Steve, if you can learn how to tenfold your productivity, you will find that your time is much more valuable than you thought it was before. Every last one of us have the same 168 hours in a week, 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in an hour. The difference comes from what we choose to do with that time. Ask yourself this: Are you as productive as you could be? We make decisions that affect what we spend time on - we can choose to watch the next episode of a reality show on Netflix, or we could choose to finally draw a line in the sand and get control of our finances. However, no matter what we choose, time is the ultimate equalizer. We all have the same amount of it. 

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