Episode 73

How to Cut Lead Gen Costs & Stop Sacrificing Profit for Growth

The explosion of online leads has made those leads a lot less effective, and many real estate teams find themselves over-leveraged in something that isn’t bringing any ROI. What are some of the risks that come with being too invested in one lead source? What’s the process of weaning yourself off of online lead sources and building up other pillars of your business? How do you set your business up with the future in mind?

On this episode, I talk about why you should never go all-in on a lead source and why we’re letting go of online leads.



  • As a business owner, you must have some kind of economic model in place and stick with it.
  • Google reviews are more sustainable than Zillow reviews. It’s better to be pouring effort into getting reviews on Google because it’s not going anywhere.
  • The beauty of internet leads is that 50% of the closings are 12 months after they are registered.


In order to build a business that can survive and thrive through any market correction, we have to stop playing the game the industry has set up for us and play our own game. Internet leads are rapidly losing ROI, and there will come a day where they won’t be worthwhile at all. It’s a question of how leveraged you are going to be when that time comes, and you should wean yourself off those leads now. The ultimate move we need to make is create a world class service. This will always be marketable no matter how much disruption gets thrown at us.  

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!