Episode 74

The Good, Bad, & Ugly: How 10 Minutes on Facebook Gave Me a Headache

For everyone who uses social media, we know the “pull” it creates on our attention and time. How can you ignore the content meant to hold your attention and stop using it to compare yourself to people who flaunt seemingly perfect lives? Is the distraction affecting more than just your self worth? Could the distraction of apps and social media be hindering your business success? On this episode, I offer suggestions for how to overcome this uniquely 21st century problem.


Only those who focus on the long game will be relevant in the future. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

Stop paying attention to what you’re seeing other people do on Facebook. Keep your eyes on your own paper.

Be honest with yourself and exclude the things that are not serving you or helping you achieve your goals.

Commit to the process of attaining success over a long period. Success is a marathon, not a sprint.


Most people agree that even when they mean to spend 5 minutes on social media, they inevitably lose track of time and spend hours scrolling through the content. While social media is relatively unavoidable- and should be used for business at times- you must stay mindful of how long you’re spending on it. Moreover, think about why you’re using it. If it isn’t serving you in the long run, disconnect. The only way to stay on track in a world full of noise is by staying disciplined. Pay attention to your actions and fully commit to your activity in the moment.

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!