Episode 91

How to Focus on What Matters Most with Human Performance Expert Jairek Robbins

When asked to rank the most important things in life, most business owners will list family as their top priority. However, do their actions reflect this when they’re with their families? How can you make sure you’re giving your family as much attention and quality time as they deserve? On this episode, performance coach Jairek Robbins shares how you can put your love into practice.

Focus on the routine that prepares you for the most important people in your life. -Jairek Robbins


3 Things We Learned From This Episode


Actions are important, so be intentional (11:37- 12:19)

Most business owners have daily routines to help them get ready for work, but nothing that prepares them to come home. If you believe that your family is the most important thing in your life, show it through your actions. Don’t arrive home after work deflated and unable to give of yourself.


Give yourself clarity (13:57- 15:54)

After a day at work, start your routine for seeing your family by taking a 3-minute cold shower. This will help reset your brain and allow you to optimize your time with family. Even if you’ve had a long, draining day, taking a cold shower will activate your superhuman side.


Know what you need for your ‘pit stops’ (28:44- 31:16)

If you want to perform optimally, you need to take pauses along the way to refuel. To make sure these are fruitful, go into them knowing what you need. Surround yourself with people who will help you refuel, and make the most of the time you take to rehabilitate.


Far too many people believe they need to force themselves to work harder in order to be successful. While success requires hard work, you also need to consider what your priorities are. Work with those in mind, and maintain your focus in every area of your life. Establish routines that will optimize your performance at home, at work, and with everything else important to you.


Guest Bio-

Jairek Robbins is a performance coach and motivational speaker. As the Bestselling author of Live It!: Achieve Success by Living with Purpose and Live It! : Empowering Tools to Create Meaningful Results in Life and Business by Jairek Robbins, Jairek is passionate about helping people achieve success in all areas of their lives. Jairek appreciates every opportunity he gets to help people when they need it most.


To find out more about Jairek, head to:

You can also attend his course via this link: https://www.udemy.com/highperformance/?couponCode=HIGHPERFORMANCE27

And grab a Muse band at: www.highperformancemuse.com


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