Episode 206

How to Shift Your Marketing in a Shift

Other than the willingness to do what other agents weren’t willing to do, the one thing that I look back to that affected me the most, was the marketing I did.

  • The Mindset Shift - from agents to marketers

When I ask larger, successful teams what sort of marketing they do, many times they tell me they’re spending $30,000 on Zillow or other lead gen platforms, laden with referral fees and I think - that’s your marketing? In marketing, you have to do things that attract paying customers to you. None of that stuff is marketing! You have to figure out a way to get in front of buyers and sellers in a way that will compel them to take action. 


  • Gold Bricks for Buyers


The shift is coming - all sorts of people are losing their jobs, and some businesses that are closing may not come back. Buyers are going to be looking for deals. The only folks who will be able to sell in this new market are sellers who are motivated. If you’re marketing to buyers that you have the deals, you’re going to attract buyers to you. Instead of paying Google to put a pay-per-click ad in front of someone, find a gold brick to offer someone. 


  • Go Where the Sellers Are


Go to the FSBO’s and the Expired/Withdrawns. Our direct mail gets an awesome response - it’s like a force multiplier. In Charlotte, I’m in a larger market. Go where the Sellers are and hit them with messaging that will get them to respond to you. They’re going to be compelled to take action!

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