Episode 46

The Good, Bad, & Ugly: A Day with Gary Keller

Success is seen differently from the people at the top, especially those who spent decades working in the industry to build a legacy around their business. How do the meanings of success and failure change over time? Why should you focus on cyclical growth instead of yearly growth? And what shifts are affecting our industry? In this episode, I share the lessons learned after spending a day with Gary Keller.


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

- Part of the shift is the fact that customers are now more demanding. Clients expect you to be more than just a transaction agent. They also expect expert advice from you.

- You must find your value proposition and become known for what you’re best at.

- Artificial intelligence won’t replace agents because it can’t replicate the trust you build with your customers.


Many agents and team leaders are obsessed with the idea of immediate growth. However, looking at self-made billionaires in real estate, the conclusion is that if you want to build a legacy, it will take you years to get there. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus on growth, but you should grow cyclically instead of aiming specifically for year-to-year growth.

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