Episode 45

Take Advantage Of Opportunities and Eliminate Blind Spots to Grow a Truly Leveraged Real Estate Business w/Kris Lindahl

As hard-driving entrepreneurs, we’re often so focused on where we’re going that we miss the opportunities that are right in front of us. How can we make sure we eliminate these blind spots? How do we use downturns to actually grow and get better? What can we do to remind ourselves to enjoy the journey? On this episode, I’m joined by Kris Lindahl, who talks about his business growth journey, and shares the valuable lessons he has learned along the way.

Everyone can sell houses when it’s easy, but when it gets tough is when the real strategy comes out. That’s when you have to start playing at a higher level. -Kris Lindahl


3 Things You’ll Learn From This Episode

  • Downturns are the best times to grow (05:44 - 06:15) For leaders who know how to play the real estate game well, the best opportunities come in shifting markets when you can get the most traction. When the market shifts down, many people leave the industry because it becomes hard. As a result, the people who stay can grab more of the market share. It’s easy to sell in a good market, but a shifting market shows you how good you really are.  
  • The necessity of leverage (11:06-11:42) Running a very lean backend is great financially, but it comes with other issues. When you’re doing 175 transactions a year without much help, it doesn’t leave room for much else. This will affect your quality of life and relationships. It’s not worth it to burn out everything around you when you can take some work off your plate and become more efficient.
  • Don’t let your blind spots hold you back (12:17-14:09) Anytime you become pigeonholed in a system and very specific in a niche, it can become easier for to miss great opportunities around you. In Kris’s case, that was not being able to work buyer leads. It’s so easy to only be focused on the transactions in front of you, and that’s why you need to constantly be aware of your blind spots so you don’t miss out.  

There’s change coming our way, and clients are expecting a faster service from us. It’s easy to end up with blind spots, possibly because we’re too focused on the gap between where we are and where we want to be, or we may be neglecting important relationships.  In order to avoid making these mistakes, we have to constantly make ourselves aware of our blind spots, even if it means someone else telling us. It’s also critical that we’re driven by something greater than money and accolades. That keeps us humble, allows us to appreciate every opportunity, and helps us stay true to what we say.


Guest Bio-

Kris is the founder of the Kris Lindahl Real Estate. RealEstate.com calls him the head of a “technology-based real estate powerhouse in the Twin Cities.” Real Trends and Trulia named him among the “Best Real Estate Agents in America.” His marketing methods are so powerful, so tried-and-true, that real estate agents across the country clamor to be included in his coaching sessions. Mr. Lindahl sells a home every 9 hours. Go to https://www.krislindahl.com/ for more information.

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Real Estate Business Builders
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