Episode 11

Lessons in Real Estate from Realtors in the Top 1% Nationwide w/Joe Sachetti & Andrew Undem


The real estate industry is a “people and problem-solving” business where money is made by helping and impressing clients. How do we get clients in the first place? What are the best lead sources and what tools can we use to increase our branding efforts? In this episode, Joe Sachetti and Andrew Undem, two top Realtors, speak about how they climbed to the top 1% nationwide and explain the tactics they used to do so.

If you are not making videos, you are not going to make a lot of deals. -Lars Hedenborg


3 Things We Learned From This Episode


  1. The best lead sources  (31:44-32:30)

Video content and investing money into Google rankings are big lead sources, but after you get the client it’s important to focus on their needs.We have to treat them like a human being, not a deal. The biggest lead source still comes from our personal sphere and from people who have already worked with us and recommend you to someone else.


  1. Fear of criticism slows down your business growth (17:20- 20:00)

We need to put ourselves out there to have a chance at closing deals, but many agents are afraid of exposure, especially when it comes to video. We miss out on a lot of growth if we hold a fear of criticism. These days, most people go online to search for homes, and you have to be where your audience is.


  1. Serve your agents (22:00-24:28)

Accountability is hard to reinforce, especially with salespeople. This is why it’s important to take another approach to keeping them on track. Hold meetings where you discuss numbers, and let them come to you and ask how they can make more money. Ask them how you can better serve them as they strive for a higher income.


Don’t just chase the next client. Focus on the “now”-- on the deal that you already have on your desk. How can you make the experience with your current client memorable? The biggest lead source is still people from your sphere and people who recommend you because of your work ethic. As long as you treat your clients as human beings, you will never go out of business.

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