Episode 12

Millennial Engagement: Attracting, Hiring, Training and Retaining w/Josh Cunningham


Millennials are literally the future of our industry, but so many team leaders struggle to attract and retain them. What are some of the biggest barriers getting in the way of engaging millennials? How do we help millennials find deeper meaning in their work? On this episode, founder and CEO of RokrBox, Josh Cunningham shares insights that will help you make your workplace a better environment for millennials.



Every single shift is a learning opportunity. -Josh Cunningham


3 Things We Learned From This Episode


Our workforce is going to be dominated by millennials in the near future (6:11 - 6:33)

By 2025, 75% of the workforce is going to be made up of millennials so it’s a good idea to start getting used to how they act and behave. We need to understand what motivates them and how we can create an environment they’re attracted to.


Have a job description ready for a hire (13:45 - 14:23)

We need to spend some time reflecting on the job and the opportunity, and be able to sufficiently describe what your hire is going to do. This brings a lot of meaning to the person’s work and makes them feel like they aren’t just a body.


Forget throwing them into the deep end hoping they’ll learn (22:04 - 23:48)

The old approach of tossing a person directly into a challenging setting and expecting them to learn does not work for millennials. People want to know what the expectations are and have tools to achieve the goals. If we have everything laid out neatly in front of them, they will work better and our results will reflect that.


If we want to successfully engage with millennials, we must forget the negative stereotypes and start leaning into the positive ones. Millennials are looking for a creative outlet, a constructive team environment, immediate feedback, and the feeling of being appreciated and respected. If we want to really taking the long game in our business, it’s important to start thinking about how we can provide the value and support our team will be looking for.


Guest Bio-

John Cunningham is the CEO of rokrbox, a professional real estate system that helps agencies nurture their leads and increase their availability up to 80 hours, 7 days a week. You can find out more about the lead nurturing system at http://rokrbox.com/#howitworks, or you can contact Josh directly at josh@rokrbox.com.

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