Episode 13

The Transition From Agent to Business Owner w/Dave Friedman

A lot of new team leaders make the mistake of thinking that their team is only there to serve them. Why is it so crucial that we shift our mindsets to the idea that WE are there to serve our team? What are the other shifts that take place in going from a top producer to a business leader? What are some of the biggest challenges that take place in this transition? On this episode, Dave Friedman shares how he transformed into a business leader, accelerated his growth, and gained both time and financial freedom.  

I figured out that’s it’s definitely not all about me, and I have an opportunity to create an impact on the world. It changes the way you deal with people. -Dave Friedman


3 Things We Learned From This Episode

  • A business is a vehicle for time and financial freedom (06:13 - 06:45)

    When you have a corporate job you work for someone and get paid for your time and if you rise up high enough we get a generous bonus. As entrepreneurs we decide to assume that risk and make it on our own. And if we add enough value, this gives us both time and money freedom.


  • Trust in people and delegate to them (10:10 - 10:46)

    A lot of people who struggle to make the jump from top predicting agent to leveraged business owner are held back by thinking no one can do things as well as they do. The truth is, if we want to succeed we have to trust and believe other people can do things better than us and delegate to them.


  • Help your team members define and reach their own goals (17:05 - 17:43)

    Being there for our employees doesn’t mean we compromise on our effectiveness as leaders. We can be there for them but still be firm leaders who help our team members reach their goals. It’s important to choose being effective over being popular.


Many of the biggest gaps between being a solo producer vs. a true business owner are mindset-based. When we make the correct shifts, it changes everything. We have to be willing to trust other people. Don’t think of your team as existing to serve you, but rather for you to enrich the lives of your team.

About the Podcast

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Real Estate Business Builders
Profitably Scale Your Real Estate Business Without Losing Your Life!